
Lost Hex, Lost Trio: Desert Ruins

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Lost Hex, Lost Trio

Desert Ruins

The trio.. plus one half-zeti set foot upon the hot sand of the Desert Ruin. All four are sweating, but Maddog was soak.

Sora: Maddog are going to be ok?
Maddog: Yeah I've been through worse remember?
Sora: No that's mostly me remember?
Maddog: Whatever.
F-F: AHHH boy...maybe coming here ISN'T such a good idea...
Kari: Sora?...i'm hot...:cry:
Sora: I know and I'm sorry.
Maddog: Hey look! Over there!
Sora: What?
Maddog: It's... water! WATER!
Sora: Huh? *looks forward* Maddog there's nothing there*
Maddog: *Runs off* It's ALL MINE!
F-F: *Snickers darkly* IDIOT...
Sora: Maddog wait it's a- *Thud* Mirage...
Maddog: *laying on his stomach, suggesting he belly flopped* Ow...
Kari: Oh Dear.
F-F: :iconyesvictoryplz:
Sora: *snickers*
Maddog: Oh who didn't tell me that was a-
Sora: I did you idiot! *sigh* Where to from her O' Mighty guide??
F-F: AH the ruins! *Runs off into the direction*

*Sora grabs Kari and Maddog and follows. They arrive at an old temple*

F-F: WHEW...we're here! *Wipes sweat away*
Kari: Oh cool!
Sora: Wow. This almost reminds me of Egypt.
Maddog: How, the heat?
Sora: NO the ruins.
F-F: Eh...mmmmm maybe we should head inside...but i warn you all, there are GIANT worms in these parts...
Kari: Worms? :?
Sora: Come on at least it'll be cooler in there right?
F-F: Uhhh..
Sora: Whatever let's go.

*When they got inside, a HUGE worm with a mouth came through & dig into its burrow*
Kari: Holy cow!
Maddog: DANG!
F-F: YEP...these things are 'less' carnivorous, however they CAN eat you, given fate...
Kari: Eep.
Sora: Well then we should- *all the sudden a worm head straight towards them* Watch out! * Sora then grabs Kari just in time as the worm lands in between the four* Phew that was close!
Maddog: Ye- *suddednly the boys get sucked under the sand!* Ah!
Sora and Kari: Boys!!

*the two fall into a pit*
Maddog: Owww. *rubs his head but then looks up* Oh man that's one hell of a fall eh F-F?
F-F: *Mumbles*
Maddog: I'm sorry what?...hey where are you?
F-F: *Mumbles loudly* Get off me!
Maddog: Oh shit! *gets off of F-F* You ok?
F-F: Yeah i'm fine...not the first time I was used as a CUSHION...*Snickers*
Maddog: SORRY!
F-F: It's fine mutt...jebus, haven't been to these ruins in a LOOOONG while...
Maddog: *sigh* Now how are we going to get back up there??
F-F:, *Shows a piece of Sora's hair* pick up her scent boy!
Maddog: Hold up! When the hell did you get my sister's hair??
F-F: Swiped it...when she wasn't LOOKING...*Snickers* i figured i'll get separated from you guys at one point so i planned ahead ;)
Maddog: 0_0 That's pretty creepy, but whatever. Gimme! *snatches it and he sniffs it* Okkkk they are... THAT way!
F-F: Go my blood-thirsty hound! lead the way! *chuckles*
*The two go up to one level until*

Maddog: Dammit!
F-F: What??
Maddog: I lost the scent!
F-F: :icononionfacepalmplz:...DAMN! thought a canine's scent lasts LONGER...
Maddog: It's not my fault the scent shifted along with the sand!
F-F: OH...sorry I'm being stupid as well...mmmm, we need a map!
Maddog: No shit Sherlock!
F-F: *Groans* FINE! I'll look at the hieroglyphs.
Maddog: Yeah as if it would say "You are here"!
F-F: Says so right here! *Yanks over Maddog to it* SEE?
Maddog: :iconpalmthroughfaceplz: WTF!!
F-F: And look! The map is right next to it!....mmmm...says here Sora & Kari are located somewhere in the inner sanctum...
Maddog: Here? Hm sounds easy enough. Let's go!
F-F:...I'll go first! since i'm aware of the dangers, i'll be your 'bodyguard' stupid as that sounds...
Maddog: Bitch please I can protect myself. *with that he falls though a trap door*
F-F:... Idiot..

(Short moment later..)

Maddog: Dammit..
F-F: *snickers*
Maddog: Whatever. Hm? Watch out! *a worm appears out of nowhere*
F-F: Awwwwwww crap...*Obviously not amused* I'll butcher this thing!
Maddog: I got dids! *lounges towards the worm with his fangs hanging out*
F-F: Maddog no!
Maddog: *bites onto the worm. He latched on until he lets go and spits out purple goo* Phaaa! What the fuck?!
F-F: :iconmacepalmplz:...I thought you knew about defense mechanisms when their ATTACKED...lemmie show you how it's done! *Uses tail to thrust inside the worm*
Maddog: Eek!! This is disgusting!
F-F: :iconscorpionplz: GET OVER HERE!! *Yanks the worm apart*
Maddog: Fine. *runs towards the worm and slices it with his claws*
F-F: *Having trouble restraining it* Aw geez!
Maddog: *helps F-F by finishing the worm once and for all* As you were saying?
F-F: *Smirks*...Don't push it mutt!
Maddog: *spits* Eck. Now what?
F-F:...We continue onward, & i guess hope that your sisters haven't wander too far.
Maddog: Yeah. Ugh know if this place has a water fountain?
F-F: *Checks the wall map* Uhhhhhh... A-ha! it's right under the catacombs...located IN the inner sanctum.
Maddog: :iconareyouplz:
F-F: *Snickers*...I guess GOD doesn't seem to like you Maddog...
Maddog: Whatever let's-(Insert Robotic noise) Ahh! *Out of nowhere a badnik spider appears and snatches Maddog* Fuck!
F-F: Hold on mutt! *Uses tail to slice apart the spider*
Maddog: *hits the ground belly first* Shit!
F-F: Ok enough with swearing! *Laughs* Otherwise i'll tell Sora on you.
Maddog: I don't give a damn. I think I broke a rib
F-F: :iconhomerpalmplz:...And Sora says I'M the rude one...

Maddog: Whatever let's go before something worse happen..
Crack! *The floor starts to give way*
F-F:... I hate you.
*Both start to scream as they fall into yet another pit.*

F-F: WAAAAAAAAAA-OOOF! *Lands on some stones*
Maddog: Off! *this time doesn't land on him* Ow.
F-F: *Groans*...Nothing like PAIN to get you started...*Gets up & tries to help Maddog up*
Maddog: NOW where are we??
F-F: Look for yourself.
*The two find themselves in the middle in the tombs*
Maddog: Ah man are these..
F-F: Yeah I think they're... fallen zetis.
Maddog: God..
F-F: THAT'S why Zavok forbid me here..
Maddog: What do you mean??
F-F: *Shakes head*...OH uh nothing...
Maddog:... How many bodies are here?
F-F: I think a thousand...maybe more... *Maddog's mouth is gapped open* Can we leave now? mmm...I remember the map saying this part isn't too far from the inner sanctum.
Maddog: Sure.. Huh? What's that??
F-F: What?
Maddog: That! It looks like someone was just there.
F-F: Are those... flowers?
Maddog: That's not all look these ones have names. "Zaaavvaa"?
F-F:...Oh no...
Maddog: What?
F-F: I KNOW this person...rather, it's Zavok's dear sister.
Maddog: You serious?
F-F: Yeah..
Maddog: Man.. Hm? "Zava my dear sister..." Hey! the writing stops there!
F-F: Hey look! Part of the message is broken!
Maddog: I wonder why?
F-F: Either this got REALLY old, or someone came down & wanted to commit sabotage.
Maddog: It's probably sabotage cause look at the place. It's a train-wreck!
F-F: ...This is definitely Zavok's handiwork here...what drove him off the deep end? *Ponders at Zava's tomb. While he does Maddog notices something in a distance she sees something sparkle he walks up to it. It's a lavender colored beaded bracelet. When F-F's back is turn he takes it*
Maddog: So.. what do you know about her?
F-F: No see, Zavok only TOLD me about her. I never in my lifetime ever meet Zava. I can only wonder what's she like compared to HIM. Now come on I'm starting to lose my memory for the map.

Maddog: Hold on, *Maddog then says a short prayer. It's inaudible to F-F*
F-F: Huh??
Maddog: Are you gonna join?
F-F: Hell no I'm a devil! Beside, it's bad for someone like me...*Points to his own eyes* DAMNED has already parted me.
Maddog: Oh yeah. OK let's go!
F-F: Alright. We're getting close, now all we need is a boosted elevator ride.
Maddog: Alright... Hey F-F...
F-F: Yeah Maddog?
*Maddog was about to say something until*

[Insert Mummy groans]

Maddog: What was that!?
*A shadow appears*

F-F: WOAH run for it!! *Pulls Maddog with him. Insert Scooby-Doo chase scene with music*

*As soon as Maddog and F-F reach a dead-end, they hold each other*
Maddog and F-F: AAAAAAAHHHH!!
*Just as they thought the worse was to come, instead comes Zomom whose wearing toilet Paper*
Zomom: Hey What's up?
F-F:...AW ZOM! you nearly gave me a heart-attack!
Zomom: Hey F-F...get me outta here!
F-F: Hold on bud...
Maddog: Seriously just who is this?? *helps as well*
F-F: This is Zomom...the GLUTTON of our group.
Zomom: Hey! Not my fault food tastes so good!
Maddog: Wait he's in the Deadly Six?… This fatass??
Zomom: Hey! who you calling fat?!
Maddog: YOU!...
Maddog: Whatever. Hey have you seen two human girls?
Zomom:... duhh yes I have. They went to the uh Dessert Ruins.
Maddog: The where??
F-F:...Oh my GAAAAAAAWWW-HAHAHAHAHAHA! :iconyesvictoryplz:
Maddog: So how do we get there?
Zomom: That way.
F-F: To a land of sweets, sugar & candy! :la: *Pulls Maddog's arm*
Maddog: *smiles* Let's get some cavities!!

*They arrive at Dessert Ruins*

F-F:...SOOO MUCH CHOCOLATE!!...:iconchocoloveplz:
Maddog: First we need to-
Sora: Maddog! *in a middle of a donut*
Maddog: Ok go eat F-F. Sora!
Sora: What took ya?
F-F: *Eats the chocolate donut Sora was in*...YUMMY!!
Sora: Hey!
F-F: What?! I didn't eat you did I?! *Growls at Sora*
Sora: No but it's mine *hisses*
F-F: :stinkeye:...Are you CHALLENGING me?...
Sora: You're on!
Maddog: On your marks...get set...GO!
F-F & Sora: *Starts racing over who finishes the donut*
Maddog: *watches until*
Kari: *Sliding on a piece of liqurish* WEEEEEEEE! :dummy: *Lands on Maddog's arms*
Maddog: There you are!
Kari: Hi Maddog!! *hugs him around his neck*
Maddog: I was concerned why we found Sora without you...
Kari: Hey what's Sora doing Maddog? *Points to the donut eating contest*
Maddog: Both are glutting themselves.
Kari: What does "glutting" mean?
Maddog: Um... I think it means they're stuffing their faces
Kari: OH!

Sora: I win! *Ups her arms up and passes out*
F-F: Oh geez! here i got her...*Picks Sora up*...AMAZING a girl beat me in an eating contest.
Sora: As you were saying?
F-F: Yeah yeah yeah...oh well, i had a delicious snack anyway!
Sora: Uh-huh.
Kari: I had FUN on the liqurish!
Maddog: I bet you did.
Sora: You didn't eat too much did you?
Kari: *she has her arms behind her back, head facing down but eyes looking at Sora, and she kicks the ground* Maybe...
Sora: *Grins* That's ok. *pets her kid sister*
F-F: Well ain't this a treat, the 4 of use friends having a good time...wanna stay a little longer?

Maddog: *Turns to Sora* Whaddia think?
Sora: Why not? :D
Kari: Yay!
F-F: :iconkrabsmoarplz: CHOCOLATE!! *Runs off into a mountain of ice cream*
Kari: Sora? *Sora nods* Wait for me!! *runs to F-F*
Maddog: So it's just you & me Sora...whaddia wanna do?
Sora: Right now. *lays down* Sleep!
Maddog: Yeah I suppose you deserve it. *sits next to her*
Sora: So what happen between you two?
Maddog:...Well, F-F was kinda being a douche at the start, but later i realized he just ACTS that way, because he isn't afraid to die or show any fear...
Sora: What makes you think that?
Maddog: It's kinda hard to explain. See, we stumbled upon a prayer of some sort, & he outright confess to me that he's already DAMNED. Yet, when I prayed and got into danger, he tries to save my life...
Sora: Wait, wait, wait. You prayed??
Maddog: Yeah... we came across a tomb. So I made a prayer, so what? I knew you two would!
Sora:...What about F-F?
Maddog: I told you, he's DAMNED, should he pray and taint his satanic heritage to the heavens...I can only IMAGINE the divine punishment.
Sora: He still didn't do it did he??
Maddog: Nope.
Sora: Thought so.
Maddog: But there was something... strange about the tomb. It almost felt familiar...
Sora: What do you mean?
Maddog: Rather, it felt familiar to F-F. He told me all the Zeti have died and were buried under there...F-F didn't specify the details but he told me it was some accident...& it involved Zavok.
Sora: Zavok? You mean that Red Zeti
Maddog: YUP. He had a sister, and she's buried amongst the tomb. However, her grave was SPECIAL there was that prayer I mention, along with flowers & a written bio that got SMASHED! *Sora ponders* Her name was 'Zava'. F-F told me he had NEVER meet her and told me that Zavok only gave him little information regarding her.
Sora: Hmm.. I wonder what happened?
Maddog: Meh... all I know is if F-F DARE finds out, Zavok will BURN with rage. I bet he was the one who trashed the tomb in the first place!
Sora:... Well I think he just misses her and was upset that she's gone.
Maddog: I think so too. But... *makes sure F-F doesn't see* Here I found this at the tomb. *passes Sora the bracelet*
Sora: Oh wow. It looks pretty. Hmmm.. *puts it in her pocket*
Kari: Sora... My tummy hurts..
Sora: Oh boy. I figured this would happened.
Kari: *groans*
F-F: Ah cheer up kiddo...*Rubs Kari's back gently as she continues to groan*
F-F: OKAY that's it i guess...we gotta leave & make sure Kari gets some medical attention...*Picks her up gently in a cradle*
Sora: I'm sure it'll go away. After all it's just a tummy-ache, right?
Kari: Yup.
Sora: OK, let's continue onward!

Moments later they venture out of the sugary wonderland only to return to the sandy desert. F-F continues to carry Kari, who fell asleep in his arms.

Sora: Would you want me to handle her? *Kari stirs in her sleep*
F-F:...Nah...lemmie handle it.
*As F-F navigates the way out, Sora took one last look at the lavender bracelet. She gets a split-image of Zava in her head*
Sora: *Shakes her head*...WHOA...that was weird...
Maddog: What was?
Sora: Nothing.
F-F: *Kari Whimpers at the heat & sun disturbing her* We gotta go...poor Kari here can't take it...
Sora: Yeah and... huh?? *Looks behind the group and sees a sandstorm coming towards them* RUN!!!

*They all ran from the blazing sandstorm & found refuge behind some architecture*
Sora: Thank GOD!
Kari: That was scary!
F-F: *Wipes sweat* HOO BOY...that was quite a jog!...
Maddog: No SHIT professor!
Sora: *kicks Maddog* WATCH YOUR MOUTH!!
Maddog: Oww!
F-F: ...Told ya enough with the swearing...:icontrollmomplz:
Kari: F-F, can you put me down?
F-F: Oh right sorry about that kiddo! *Does so*
Kari: Thank you. For both carrying me and for putting me down. Now what?
Sora: Now we have to wait til this sandstorm pass.
Maddog: Oh great!
F-F: Oh man up mutt! Sheesh some strong hound YOU turned out to be.
Maddog: What did you say??
Sora: Guys now is-
F-F:...I'm saying MAN-UP! What did vet made ya weak?
Maddog: At least I get my shots! Apparently I need a technic shot now from looking at you!!
F-F: Your RIGHT, cause my face is sooooo much more HANDSOME then that hairy mug of yours! *Snickers*
Maddog: Chicks dig my fur!
F-F: Pffft they prefer a TEDDY BEAR...I have style!
Maddog: Yeah I can see that you do with those feet looking almost like Slippers.
Kari: :giggle:
F-F:...Least I'm not a walking hotel for FLEAS!
Maddog: Shut up! I haven't had fleas in years!
Kari: Not really you had some about-
Maddog: Butt out!
Kari: :tears:
Sora: Hey! *Punches Maddog* ENOUGH YOU TWO!
F-F & Maddog: Y-yes ma'am!
Sora: Grr! I can't believe you two want to start a fight at a time like this!
F-F & Maddog: We're SORRY ma'am...:iconilltellonyouplz:
Sora: That's right. *walks to the other side of the cave*
F-F: Whoa careful girl...carelessness can lead to PAIN.
Sora: I'm only sitting down here. Now you two make up!
F-F: *Sigh*...FINE...*Turns to Maddog*...I'm sorry i hurt your feelings Maddog...
Maddog:... *looks at his glaring sister then back to F-F* It's fine. And I'm sorry that I made fun of your feet.
Kari: Now hug!

F-F and Maddog: No!
Sora: *gets up and slams her foot onto the ground, causing the floor to slightly crack. The boys then hug it out* Good. *sits back down as does Kari.*
F-F: *Sits down also*...Man oh man this is quite a predicament...
Sora: I'll say. *yawns* Which reminds me I still haven't got a nap.
F-F: Oh no Sora...please, have your sleep...allow ME to have a watchful eye.
Sora: *yawn* Thanks *sleeps like a rock*
Kari: Wow she must've been tired.
F-F: I'll say
Maddog: So you don't mind watching us over night F-F?
F-F: Of course a demon, i'm also NOCTURNAL...*Chuckles*
Maddog: Alright. Good cause you've been slacking when we- *Sora throws a rock at Maddog* Ow!
F-F: *Smirks*...Yeah i'm guilty for that crime, but hey, least i'm now comfortable around you guys now...
Maddog: *Smirks* Good.
Kari: Maddog. I'm cold. [cause you know it gets cold in the desert at night]
Maddog: Alright kiddo. *lays in front of Kari. Keeping her warm with his fur* Better?
Kari: Yup :)
F-F: *Stood tall, arms crossed...also viewing the entrance. Maddog watches him.*
Kari: *Yawn* Maddog?...what's wrong?
Maddog: Nothing. Get some sleep, ok kiddo?
Kari: Alright *closes her eyes*

*Hours later Kari finally falls asleep*
Maddog: 'ey F-F.
F-F: Yeah mutt? am i SLACKING again? *Snickers*
Maddog:... it's... *sigh* Never mind.
Maddog: It's nothing. *yawns* Better sleep too. Night.
F-F: Night. Mutt..

The Trio sleep it out as F-F stares out at the sky... thinking of his past..

Rp with :iconfreak-frank:
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SunniestSunflower's avatar
& What an RP that was! ^.^